Client: Transport Construction Authority
Mt Druitt Commuter Car Park
Commuter Car Park Projects
Design and documentation of a new multi storey commuter car park at Mt Druitt, consisting of two car park levels providing approximately 195 spaces.
The scheme adopted the safety of commuters and the surrounding community as an important design principle and incorporates a single clear and legible pedestrian entry point with good visual accessibility to the communication stair, lobby areas and the glazed pedestrian lift. The transparency of the facade design also allows for good passive surveillance from adjoining roads.

Concept design and documentation drawings for an at-grade car park located at Kiama. The design provided 44 new car spaces adjacent to the rail corridor. An accessible path of travel and one accessible space was also included as part of the design. The project involved working closely with TfNSW’s reference group which included representatives from Rail Corp and local councils.
Client: Transport for NSW
Kiama At-Grade Commuter Car Park
Concept design and documentation drawings for an at-grade commuter car park located at Granville station. The design provided 41 new car spaces, new bus shelters, provision of two bus stops and allowance for four bus layovers. Accessible paths of travel to Granville Station from two new accessible spaces were provided as part of the design. Signage and landscape softworks were also documented.
Client: Transport for NSW
Granville At-Grade Commuter Car Park
Concept design and documentation drawings for an at-grade commuter car park located at Gordon station. The design provided 130 new car spaces adjacent to the station, new bus shelters, bus stops and crossings. Accessible paths of travel to Gordon Station and three accessible spaces were also provided. Documentation included signage and landscape softworks.
Client: Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation
Gordon At-Grade Commuter Car Park
Concept design and documentation drawings for an at-grade commuter car park located at Moss Vale Station. The design provided 56 new car spaces close to the station and a pedestrian crossing. The existing car park was upgraded at the station providing new bike racks and three new accessible car spaces.
Moss Vale At-Grade Commuter Car Park
Client: Transport for NSW

Client: Transport Construction Authority
Mt Druitt Commuter Car Park
Design and documentation of a new multi storey commuter car park at Mt Druitt, consisting of two car park levels providing approximately 195 spaces.
The scheme adopted the safety of commuters and the surrounding community as an important design principle and incorporates a single clear and legible pedestrian entry point with good visual accessibility to the communication stair, lobby areas and the glazed pedestrian lift. The transparency of the facade design also allows for good passive surveillance from adjoining roads.

Design of a multi storey commuter car park, incorporating 315 commuter car park spaces. The design adopted a scale, form and commercial appearance to complement the character of the Cabramatta town centre through a well mannered use of high quality materials and colours. For safety and legibility, a single point of pedestrian access and egress was provided through an entry lobby and a designated pedestrian route provided from the lobby to Cabramatta Station.
Client: Transport Construction Authority
Cabramatta Multi Storey Commuter Car Park
DEM developed the concept design for a new multi storey commuter car park at St Marys Station incorporating 500 car spaces and 700 m² of lettable commercial space to help activate adjacent public areas and provide passive surveillance.
The design was undertaken in consultation with TIDC and the RailCorp Stations Working Group.
Client: Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation
St Marys Multi Storey Commuter Car Park
Preparation of a concept design for a multi storey commuter car park adjacent to Oatley railway station incorporating approximately 100 commuter car park spaces. DEM prepared a feasibility study which established site constraints and opportunities and defined the project scope of work. The design team worked in collaboration with TfNSW and the RailCorp Station Working Group to develop design options and the preferred car park design providing safe and legible pedestrian access and egress to Oatley rail station.
Client: Transport for NSW
Oatley Multi Storey Commuter Car Park