Maldon to Dombarton Railway Link
Architectural, urban design and landscape pre-construction design work for a 35 km freight rail line between Port Kembla and the Main South Line at Picton.
The project incorporated the rail corridor, a 4km tunnel and ventilation building, and seven bridges. Work involved an assessment of the landscape and visual context along the corridor as well as design options for the bridges, tunnel portals and ventilation building.
To ensure that design outcomes would contribute to the future character of the areas adjacent to the corridor, DEM established principles and guidelines for the built structures and landscape to address aesthetics, landuse, ecology, landscape, cost effectiveness and safety.
Port Kembla - Picton, NSW

Project Details
Parsons Brinckerhoff / Transport for NSW
Port Kembla - Picton, NSW
35 km
Urban Design, Architecture, Landscape Architecture